Thursday, July 28, 2011

Crossfit Games Starts Today

I don't know how much you guys follow the Games, but they start today.

HQ dropped a hidden bomb on athletes last night with a Swim test.  Friday's starting WOD at the games is:

For time:
210 meter Ocean swim
1,500 meter Soft-sand run
50 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
100 Hand-release push-ups
200 Squats
1,500 meter Soft-sand run

Personally I think it's awesome to see the swim in the games.  I guess the rumor is that it's been coming for a while now.  Given that we live on a big lake don't be surprised if we get wet in the future. :)


  1. sounds awful ... =). I think I'm going to make up the work out that you did today for Friday. Mind if I come over at 6?

  2. blaaaah so I actually forgot that I will be going off to a concert in K-zoo tomorrow evening so I'm going to head to the track for a workout with Heath right after work. See you soon!

    This is the workout we're thinking:
    For Time:
    75 Sit-ups
    25 Push-ups
    800m Run
    50 Sit-ups
    50 Push-ups
    1600m Run
    25 sit-ups
    75 Push-ups
