Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Crossing the Rubicon

Choosing must.

I'm excited to announce the birth of Fort Miami CrossFit.  There's been an enormous amount of work that has been going into this project behind the scenes.  One of the things that we felt was really paramount to what we are doing is to write out our personal manifesto about the vision we share for what CrossFit is and how it should be presented.  None of this is revolutionary, but it does perhaps run counter to some of the established norms.

I'd like to share the result of that with you.

Nutrition as the foundation:

IF you want to succeed then we need to have a serious conversation about what and how you eat.  As part of your introduction to CrossFit we're going to make sure that we are setting you up for success and being consistent in our follow through with you on nutritional needs and expectations.

Quality Coaching:

I am a big proponent for focused quality coaching.  Movement standards are the expectation of the coaches and we are going to hold you to that standard.  Sub-standard is no standard.  Consistency is key, not just in your workout but in the coaching that gets you there.  It should be expected (both by coach and athlete) that consistency will be maintained day in and day out and not just 'when the mood suites'.

It is also our belief that the only way you enable that consistency is to maintain a healthy ratio of the number of athletes per coach.  To some that may seem excessive, to me it seems necessary.  As a coach, if I can't give you the individualized attention that you deserve then I am doing both of us a disservice.


When you start your journey with CrossFit there are a number of movements that many people will have little to no exposure to.  It is our goal to set our athletes up for success so we start all athletes in a foundations class.  Through Foundations you will be introduced to all the core movements as well as how and when to scale movements that will carry you forward into our level based group CrossFit classes.

Leveled programming:

As you transition from the Foundations program you will be introduced to our level based programming for group classes.  Our programming is CrossFit at it's core with a strength bias.  What that means is that we believe that strength as a bias in programming will yield more consistent results for members.  We accomplish this with a skew towards Olympic style weightlifting.    

Evidence based fitness:

We believe that it is our responsibility to you as our member to show you the evidence.  We're data driven.  It is our expectation that 3/6/12 months out I should be able to show you with very real and specific metrics how you've improved.  No matter what your goals are, through the data, we will show you how you've moved closer to achieving them!

Client goals:

From our initial consultation we will work with you to establish not just your goals but also to lay out the map in front of you to show you how we work with you to get there.  Like all things in life, having goals gives us something to continually work towards and improve upon, why should fitness be any different.  And as you will discover, the journey is as important as the destination.


The final component and arguably the most important part of this manifesto is community.  CrossFit has a  rich history of having a deeply engaged community of people.  In many gyms you will see a group of people who feel more like a family than a group of strangers.  Community is part of the DNA of CrossFit and is a huge driving factor in athletes long term success.  Surround yourself with people that are headed in the same direction that you are and you are far more likely to succeed.

It is our belief that THIS should be at the heart of any gym.  Shared successes, shared suffering, and sharing in life will be deeply integrated in all that we do.

If you have an interest in CrossFit, improving sport performance, or just moving towards being a more holistically fit individual then I invite you to come experience what CrossFit has to offer.  Our model is simple, give us two weeks to convince you that what we do (CrossFit) and how we do it (Secret Sauce) is an experience unlike any other.