Friday, May 20, 2016

Get your $#!t together..

This will perhaps be a little harsh.. but sometimes it takes you getting to the breaking point..

You have to be selfish and place your wellness at a higher level in the priority list than you do.  For me the priority list is pretty straight forward:  God, Health, Family, Career, everything else.  I realize that not everyone places an emphasis on God (another conversation altogether) so let's just look at the rest of the the downstream priority chain.

Health above Family and Career - are you insane?!  No - hear me out.  If my health is poor, if I'm not doing the things I need to do to take care of myself then that leads to being stressed, sick, or otherwise less than optimal for my family - or worse yet eventually suffering a major preventable medical event.  Or I choose to bury my head in the sand and ignore my health and suffer an event that leads to the inability to work.. all of these things lead to a NEGATIVE impact on my family.

It starts simply enough - making the choice to re-prioritize and put yourself higher upstream in priority.  And trust me - I've been where you are - with the pull of career and life constantly trying to pull you down.  It's just too damn easy to get sucked down into the quagmire.  It's one of the main reasons I personally found CrossFit so appealing.  I have an entire community of people who have said enough and put themselves in the proper priority chain.  They hold me accountable.. and they inspire and motivate me.. oh and it's put me in the best shape of my life.. at 38.. not 18.

If you NEED the support system.. if you need the accountability.. if you need to get your shit together.. I can help.  The initial consultation is free.. but YOU have to make the choice to adjust the priority chain.

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