Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Choosing must

The reference is subtle.. or not depending on what circles you travel on the web.

Some of you do, and some of you don't, know that in June I will officially transition from being a part time gym owner, part time coach, part time dad, and full time executive to a full time owner/coach and full time dad.  Hopefully you're with me on that. :)

Somewhere along the way I traded my must for should because should was safe.  Should was the title, the house, the car, the tangibles and the reality.  I gave up on trying to do things that lead me closer to the must in sacrifice.

When I found fitness just after the turn of my 30's I really had no idea where the journey would take me.  I do know that I had some serious self body image issues I had to deal with (yeah that's a thing for guys too).  I also know that for the better part of the last 12 years I have had an overwhelming feeling that I was purposed to help people.  It took me a while to figure that out.. and it took CrossFit to show me my how and why.

Over the last 5 years I've coached countless people and helped countless more make important shifts in their lives and health priorities.  There is nothing else that I have done in my life that is quite as fulfilling as this endeavor and I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to become even more entrenched in doing something that I absolutely love.

This is just the start of an even more exciting time for not just me but for our athletes and clients at Fort Miami CrossFit!  We have a ton of new and exciting things in the works that I just can't wait to share with you.

Kelly and I are blessed to have so many friends and family that believe in what we're doing.  Thank you for all the love and support that you all have given along the way.

Please sign up for my newsletters to the right.  I'm excited to share knowledge bombs with everyone about CrossFit, Health, Fitness, and Life!

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