Saturday, April 19, 2014


It's time to resurrect this blog...

As I begin what is my fourth year as a dedicated CrossFit athlete I felt it was necessary to re-evaluate everything!  When I started CrossFit back in 2011 it was a challenge to myself to see if I could do what seemed to be one of the most intense things I had done to that point.  I had always been active growing up, playing sports, martial arts, and aggressive inline skating (think X-Games).  Really I had given no thought to strength or conditioning or how it plays into any of that - or life in general.

When I started this journey it started simply enough as a call to arms on Facebook to friends looking to improve themselves.  I was blessed beyond belief at the time to have two people, Scott and Eric, join my little experiment into what could be.  Really I don't think any of us had much of an idea as to what we were getting ourselves into.

That's the original Kulich Garge gym to the right that started it all.  Not much more than a couple of bars, a set of bumper plates, squat rack and a whiteboard.  And that, I think, was the beauty of it.  It was raw, it was dirty, it was home.

Over time we added bits of equipment, bands for the girls that joined us to get the pull ups in, kettle bells etc.  In fact our first rope climbs and rings hung from a tree in the front yard.  I'm sure the neighbors could only wonder what the heck grown men were doing out there those days.

Whatever.. it worked.

As the seasons changed from summer to fall so changed the seasons of life and the community we had built slowly had to move in different directions.  Couple that with Michigan winters and an unheated garage the Kulich Garage gym sat silent.

Fortunately the void was filled by a local affiliate opening shop and allowing me to find a safe haven indoors for those Michigan winters.  It also has provided a network of like minded individuals with a love for all things CrossFit.

So as I enter my fourth year of CrossFit I look to get back to spending some of my CrossFit time back in that raw and dirty realness of the garage.  Armed with a wealth of knowledge learned both in movement specifics and more importantly program design I head back to the lab - back to what started it all - but now with a driven design specificity for performance gains.

As I work to set the garage back up to support the mad science that is sure to ensue.  I have a personal level of excitement as to what the performance enhancing by-products will be.  The space is sure to afford me an opportunity to test and retest program design without restriction or preconception of what is or is not.

If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living.

-Gail Sheehy

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